This Tetenal Colortec E-6 Kit will make enough chemistry to successfully process 30 rolls of color positive/slide/reversal film.
Tetenal Colortec E-6 3-Bath is designed for the development of E-6 compatible color slide films in rotary tube processors. With the “3-Bath technology”, the number of processing baths is reduced to three (+ stabilizer). The reversal takes place during the color development. Bleaching and fixing are performed in a bleach fix.
Tetenal Colortec C-41 Negative Kit comes with 1x Color Developer CD Part 1 500ml, 1x Color Developer CD Part 2 500ml, 1x Color Developer CD Part 3 500ml, 1x Bleach Fix BX Part 1 500ml, 1x Bleach Fix BX Part 2 500ml and 1x Stabilizer STAB 500ml.
*Note for those who want to develop by hand: The temperature must be maintained exactly (+/- 0,2 Degree C) for perfect results.
Though listed as being for rotary processing, such as a Jobo tank, manually agitated tanks such as a Patterson can also be used.
The Brownie Camera Guy says:
Though I mostly work in black & white, when I do color E-6 processing, this is the kit I use. It is easy and fun and every roll I have ever processed has come out without problems. Give color processing a try.
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