Rollei Supergrain High Performance Film Developer – 500ml Concentrate is a modern high performance fine-grain developer for black and white films. Rollei Supergrain delivers superior image quality with extremely fine grain. It produces sharp results while making full use of the film speed.
Rollei Supergrain High Performance Film Developer is the result of further development of the classic AM-74 recipe.
Dilution can be 1+9, 1+12 and 1+15 producing yields of up to 60 films per bottle.
DATASHEET for Rollei Supergrain High Performance Film Developer.
SAFETY DATASHEET for Rollei Supergrain High Performance Film Developer.
The Brownie Camera Guy says:
I use Rollei Supergrain when processing Rollei Infrared film with spectacular results. Also great for TMax and Delta films.
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