Fomapan 400 Action is a panchromatic black and white negative ISO 400/27° film. Fomapan 400 features excellent resolution and is intended for use under unfavorable or difficult light conditions.
This is a 50 sheet box of Fomapan 400 Action 10.2 x 12.7 cm / 4 x 5 in film.
Foma has been producing photo materials since 1921.
This is the one of the least expensive ISO 400 films available in 10.2 x 12.7 cm / 4 x 5 in format.
The Brownie Camera Guy says:
I regularly use Fomapan films in older cameras with inconsistent shutter speeds. It offers incredible forgiveness of exposure, which is really needed when shooting with unproven cameras. Processing is easy and very controllable.
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