Cinestill Cs41 Color Negative Simplified 2-Bath Quart Kit makes processing your own color film uncomplicated or inexpensive! This liquid chemical two-bath processing kit can be used at a variety of temperatures with the same equipment you already process your black and white film with at home. No darkroom or automated processor required!
- For processing any color negative (C-41) film.
- Easy to mix liquid chemicals to make 1 quart/945ml.
- 2 bath kit.
- No special processor needed, use standard processing tanks and reels.
- Flexible processing temperatures.
- Quick reference card for processing times.
- Push/Pull processing instructions included.
- Reusable Developer and Blix for up to 24 rolls of film.
- Process up to 10 rolls at a time.
- Instructions for machine processors and hand processing included.
- Long lasting shelf life with 3 part Developer and Blix mixtures.
- “Stabilizer” rinse aid included.
- Fully Archival
- Affordable!
See the Cinestill Cs41 Color Negative Simplified Quart Kit instruction datasheet and the safety datasheet.