Kodak TMax P3200 TMZ Black & White 35mm Film – 36 Exposures is a multi-speed continuous-tone panchromatic black-and-white negative film that combines high to ultra-high film speeds with finer grain than that of other fast T-Grain emulsion black-and-white films. This extraordinary film provides a very fine grain structure with a high degree of sharpness and edge detail. This film has a nominal film speed of ISO 800 with the “P” meaning that it’s designed to be push-processed to ISO 3200 or higher. P3200 is the fast film king when processed in TMax Developer.
The Brownie Camera Guy says:
This is the best fast film to use when sharpness, tone and clarity are essential. Though it can be processed successfully in just about any developer, the film’s T-Grain shines when processed in TMax developer.
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