Fotoimpex 110-Professional Film Developer – 500 ml Concentrate (HC-110)

26.85 including VAT - (22.19 excluding VAT)

Kodak chemicals have become difficult, if not impossible, to get. This is why Fotoimpex purchased the original mixture made to the exact same formulary which was sold by Kodak and now offers Fotoimpex 110-Professional Film Developer. All developing times, dilutions, factors and replenishing rates are identical and can be applied.

500 ml
Compensating – Fine Grain – Speed Enhancing
One-Shot Developer

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Fotoimpex 110-Professional Film Developer is a liquid concentrate rapid developer for use with black and white negative film. This developer’s characteristics include moderately fine grain, full shadow detail, a long density scale, wide development latitude, and no loss of film speed. Additionally, 110-Professional Film Developer is suitable for use when push-processing and stand development.

All developing times, dilutions, factors and replenishing rates are identical to Kodak HC-110 and can be applied. Fotoimpex 110-Professional Film Developer is very flexible and economical. It has a variety of different dilutions for different uses…up to 1:31. Shelf life is remarkably long.

SAFETY DATASHEET for Fotoimpex 110 Professional or Kodak HC-110 Developer.

Additional information

Weight 0.725 kg


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