Originally coated for aerial surveillance and cartography, Film Washi “D” 35mm Panchromatic Russian Aerospace Film, known as “SPUTNIK”, is a panchromatic negative film offering high contrast and moderate grain. This film is used by the Russian aerospace industry for generic uses, including military aerial surveillance missions.
When you need high sensitivity and/or small aperture. This film can be pushed at 1600 iso and also be processed as a slide film.
This single use camera has an onboard flash and is loaded with Film Washi “D” film. The film is rated at 500 ISO and has 36 exposures. It is an industrial coated 75mμ polyester base with a maximum spectral sensitivity of 690 nm. For more information and processing instructions, please see the datasheet.
The Brownie Camera Guy says:
I absolutely LOVE Film Washi! I use it when I think my subject matter will benefit from the results of the specific film chosen. This film helps the artistic thought process in image making that few other films can.
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