The Kodak “Developer-76” recipe is a photography legend next to Rodinal, gaining almost universal recognition as the go-to developer for photojournalistic work during the WWII and post war era.
D-76 is a universal, easy-to-use developer with a multitude of applications with the most different films and contrast situations, always delivering fine grain and great speed-utilisation.
ADOX has taken this classical formula and, while keeping all the important original properties and developing times, brought it up to the modern standards. The new ADOX D-76 has significantly lower dissolving temperatures, as well as the Captura® technology for dust-free mixing. Additionally, all of the borates were removed and replaced with a non-toxic biodegradable buffer. ADOX D-76 powder developer is made in Germany, with both research and post-production quality control carried out on site.
The ADOX D-76 developer can be used exactly like the Kodak D-76, with the already-published D-76 times, dilutions and factors.
This package will make 5 liters of working solution with a capacity of 50-80 rolls of film, that is 10-16 rolls per liter.
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